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제 17 호 Public Design: How to Solve Social Values and Realize Public Values

  • 작성일 2023-02-19
  • 좋아요 Like 0
  • 조회수 18382


Public Design: How to Solve Social Values and Realize Public Values

By Su-Young Kim, Reporter


  Have you ever heard of “a hundred-year-old yard”? It is a park where elderly people can prevent dementia by using exercise equipment and cognitive health programs. As the aging population becomes serious in Korea, Seoul city has promoted the cognitive health design project since 2014 to cope with the dementia problem of the elderly. Seoul city has tried to maintain and habituate the elderly by receiving physical, emotional, and social stimuli through external activities. This a hundred-year-old yard is one example of public design. Public design is a term that refers to the overall design related to public goods, such as objects or places, services, technologies, and systems related to many members of the state or society. It narrowly refers to design related to urban or environmental facilities such as buildings, road, and parks.

  Like a 100-year-old yard, public design strives to solve social values and realize public values. As another example of public design, I will introduce the longevity chair and crime prevention design. First, the longevity chair is designed to prevent elderly people from walking. The waiting time for crosswalks is also long at wide crossings. It can be difficult for elderly people with uncomfortable legs to stand up and endure this time. Sometimes they can’t wait for the next signal, and you can often see people jaywalking. We need a way to change this dangerous situation. The longevity chair, which won a special award at the “3rdPublic Design National Idea Contest” co-hosted by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Korea Craft Design and Culture Promotion Agency last year, began with the concerns of incumbent police officers. To make the elderly, who are weak in using public transportation, comfortably wait for the signal waiting time, a small simple chair was installed on the traffic light pillar so that they could sit for a while.

Second, another example of public design is crime prevention design. The crime prevention through environmental design is that analyzes the relationship between the environmental characteristics of the perpetrator, victim, and crime place to construct a space that is defensive against crime as a preventive design to reduce crime anxiety as well as direct crime prevention. Seocho-gu, Seoul, has been carrying out design projects with the unique characteristics of Seocho-gu to increase the sense of safety of residents with a life-friendly design that prevents crime and helps the development of a safe city. The construction site fence design project implements a unique landscape design that adds the imagination of residents to the desolate construction site fence. It was decided that it was necessary to provide crime prevention information for people’s safety, so the design project for crime prevention was promoted.

  I think this public design is a design that enriches the lives of more people in a rapidly changing society. As I learned the characteristics of public design, which considers the convenience of many people and strives to solve social problems, I reflected on the past when I thought that design would have only commercial purposes. From now on, I will think about how to come up with a smart way to change things around me through public design.




